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SEO Quick Tips 2013 – How to Analyze a Website With Proper Strategy

Here I am providing some quick SEO tips that you can use for your website to overlook what are the errors and what you can do, can get the quick idea. 1. Overlook your website from top to bottom and figure out all the web development and design issues 2. Build a checklist scorecard of all the errors 3. Set up Google Authorship for your site, or if you have already, verify that it’s working. 4. Have a blog? Find orphaned posts and redirect them to the relevant posts. 5. Create a content plan around live blogging an industry event. 6. Develop new content ideas by relating your niche to a different topic. 7. Dig into your data - look over old company reports, white papers, etc. for key statistics. 8. Share a Google Calendar mapping out your website content plan with auto-send reminders to the people involved with different areas of content creation. 9. Follow up! Create your presence via social, email, phone, and face-to-face. 10. Provide customer testimonials for your software, produ...

How to know email opening rate through Google Analytics?

Most of the people tracking their email opening rate by using their email service provider (ESP). Email clients (Web mail systems like Windows Live mail and Gmail) strip out JavaScript for security reasons, so it wouldn't get executed and you'd receive no data back. Instead, what you need to do is use old-school pixel tracking. If you want to know how many times your email or newsletter was opened (or viewed) through Google analytics, you can use, There you can get a pixel which you insert into your email. The pixel will then cause your Google Analytics to show how often the email has been read. Using Google Analytics pixel tracking, the easiest way to use browser developer tools such as Firebug for Firefox or Opera's Dragonfly to capture a utm.gif request and copy the URL. Modify the headers to suit your needs. You can count it either as an event or page view. It will look something like this:

3 Important SEO Strategies you need to Prioritize in 2013

3 important SEO strategies will work out in 2013 I feel 3 important SEO strategies will work out in 2013.  Social Local Author Rank Social Optimization More number of people share their website content through social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn etc. Social optimization for website will make you visible in search results, index your content and you will get more hit to the website. Local Optimization Location matters for relevance of search results. Local SEO is important to promote your business in your locality. Now mobile SEO is one part of Local SEO. This the latest technique of Local SEO. Author Rank Optimize your website in Google+ and Use your authorship profile in content to rank higher. Google plus as an identity layer to prevent spam and attribute content to authoritative sources. All content written by Google+ profile writers will be ranked higher.

How To Add a Google Sitemap To your Blogger Blog

The XML Sitemap file is a directory of all web pages that exist on your website or blog. Search engines use the sitemap files to discover and index all your pages present in your website or blog. XML sitemap increase website visibility for crawler access. It is specially designed for crawler and crawler can easily read XML Sitemap. There are two ways to add sitemap to the blogger. First Process: Step1: Just login to Google webmaster account. Add your blog in webmaster account. Step2. After that click on your blog and in left side panel click on Site Configuration and click on Sitemaps. Step3: Click on Submit a sitemap button and write - "atom.xml" without quotes. You are done with it.  The default XML sitemap file of any blog will have only the 26 most recent blog posts. That is the limitation and in this some older blog pages, that are missing in the default XML sitemap file, may never get indexed in search engines. So you can use the another pr...

Most Important SEO HTML Tags

Title Tag This is the most important on-page SEO element display in top of the browser, in search engine result pages, in external websites as anchor text defines what the page is about. It is used in Head section of the page. It should be 67-70 characters with space that search engine can crawl through. <head> <title>Keyword></title> </head> Format you can use: Primary Keyword | Secondary Keyword – Brand Name In Browser In Search engine result pages Using keywords in title tags means that search engines will "bold" (or highlight) those terms in the search results when a user perform a query with those terms. This helps garner a greater visibility and a higher click-through rate. Heading Tag (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 & H6) We use H1 to H6 tags in headings. H1 is the most important heading whereas h6 is the least important headings. Header tag is 2 nd most important on page SEO element that we can use...

Top 15 Latest SEO Interview Questions 2012

1. What are breadcrumbs?   Breadcrumb is one type of website navigation system that clearly states the structure of website to both the users and the search engines. It also displays in search engine result pages. We can use micro formats tags embedding in the HTML for breadcrumbs to make search engines clearly identify the structure of website. 2. Online Branding or SEO what is more important for your website? Spreading your brand and getting recognized by the online world of real people is online branding we will say. But Optimizing site to be visible in search engine results is the SEO. In my opinion both are the same. Both are required for website to make it popular in search engine and online world. 3. How to decrease the bounce rate of a webpage? Improve your content using strong Call to Action within the text of the webpage Improve design of the web pages Increase the speed of webpage loading Use user friendly navigation Adding l...