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Effective Content Marketing Tools and Strategy


SEO Quick Tips 2013 – How to Analyze a Website With Proper Strategy

Here I am providing some quick SEO tips that you can use for your website to overlook what are the errors and what you can do, can get the quick idea.

1. Overlook your website from top to bottom and figure out all the web development and design issues

2. Build a checklist scorecard of all the errors

3. Set up Google Authorship for your site, or if you have already, verify that it’s working.

4. Have a blog? Find orphaned posts and redirect them to the relevant posts.

5. Create a content plan around live blogging an industry event.

6. Develop new content ideas by relating your niche to a different topic.

7. Dig into your data - look over old company reports, white papers, etc. for key statistics.

8. Share a Google Calendar mapping out your website content plan with auto-send reminders to the people involved with different areas of content creation.

9. Follow up! Create your presence via social, email, phone, and face-to-face.

10. Provide customer testimonials for your software, product, and service providers.

11. Build relationships and brand interaction by rewarding loyal fans.

12. Write topical content about a trend from that day.

13. Set up Google Alerts for your questions

14. Create and syndicate video content

15. Offer a discount promotion to visitors

16. Create a great 404 error page.

17. Participate in active forums

18. Post comments in relevant blogs

19. Upload your business photoes in social media sites

20. Create landing pages for local business

21. Get reviews from loyal customers for listing products and services

22. Get citation links for your local business

23. Spend time to craft great content pitch and make it personal and original

24. Write for authority sites within your niche. Build strong relationships and strengthen your reputation

25. Perform a content performance ratio analysis to figure out how much content you need to clean up

26. Build a list of sites you want to remove links from

27. Don’t do over optimization for Clean up your own internal anchor text from over-optimization

28. Reduce cross-linking from our internal links

29. Optimize page title tags

30. Review navigation structure such as breadcrumbs and internal linking

31. Use tools effective SEO tools and spend the time to really get to know how to use them fully.

32. Start to document your delivery process

33. Run a knowledge share session with your internal team

34. Analyze your back links to find off-topic, poor anchor text links.

35. Analyze the back links of your key competitors.

36. Clean up any obvious paid or over-optimized links by link disavow process

37. Find all your site broken links by using this tool. Resolve all the links and makes your site look good.

38. Research competitors’ top pages in Open Site Explorer to get content ideas.

39. Analysis thoroughly the brand traffic history in analytics to measure the impact of offline brand signals.

40. Sign up for PR sites to become a link source for news articles.

41. Create and submit an XML Sitemap to keep this up to date in Google Webmaster Tools.

42. Check how your website displays on mobile and tablet devices and optimize your site for mobile. You can
use this plugin.

43. Fix duplicate content homepage: www vs non-WWW and do 301 redirection where it needs

44. Check for external duplicate content for your website

45. Make sure that the Geo-targeting for your international site is set up correctly in Google Webmaster Tools.

46. Start developing a strategy by targeting your top keywords.

47. Find your top converting landing pages. Optimize them and update the content to attract new links.

48. Spend your time to do reporting the progress of website

I think it will be helpful for all the SEO users to analyze their website properly from every aspect of internet marketing strategy.


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